Saturday, November 25, 2006!
My ex was a total loser, and i mean it :)
Maybe I should quit whinning, do more revision, GO BUY MY SEC 3 BOOKS (hellllllllllllllooooo?!?!?), stop sleeping so late (my eyes look so -.- now) and
be a nicer person :) (not)
I don't understand why people thinks sudoku is soooooooo fun, even my aunts and uncles, my parents plays them. I'm not cut out for all mind games :B But seriously, issit that fun? Do you play sudokuuuuuu?? And i've to play it with shahilia later online :( walaooooooooo.
I lose my head when people treats my existence as nothing delibrately. It's so annoying and rude.... Esp when i treat them nicely :D
People say mmpm, i'm weird. (WHY!)
Love is idontknow, never been in love before. Honestly..
Somewhere in my house lies myyyyyyyyy favourite baby photo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(:(:(:(:(
I will always love my family, my friends and hahahahhaa cheirsh them blah blah blah.. I will always be me :D I'll always remember to forgot things, i'll always remember to cut down on my rantings, i'll always remember how i used to squealllllllllll at my mother, i'll always remember that i bit my brother on his hands when we were young, i'll always remember how fun it was to be with my favourite people, i'll always look forward to being with them :) i'll always miss them!!!!!!!!!!
Forever Friends are meant for losers and hypocrites. Cause apparently you're one hell of a hypocrite who says that, right cause we thought you'd be nice but noooooooooooooooooooo, you're trying to pull shit into our happy wonderful bonded life. Forever friends remind me of the teddybears :D
I never want to eat chicken rice ever again.
I think that i'm pretty tall right now. Seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, i want to be taller but oh well. I think certain punishment for kids are essential to mould their characters.
When I wake up unwillingly, i'd be very grouchy :B
My past is pretty interesting, hahahahaha :D
I get annoyed whenever people do things on purpose that i'm scared of. (eg, hitting metal fork and spoons together!!!!!!!)
Kisses are pretty alright to me ;)
Tomorrow I have to bring my cousins out to watch happy feet with my 2 lesbo friends. Hahaha :D I hope tomorrow'd be okay....
I really miss some people very badly :W
I have low tolerance for bastards. Lizzie agrees with me, right lovelove?
I woke up at 1 and i slept like 3.30 :O
I dug out all the photos i've at home and i had sucha great time laughing at my parents :B
I am so friggy pisssssssed out right now :S2:22 PM